Sunday, July 19, 2009

Walking 12 Miles To New Jersey: Bad Idea

Today, in an attempt to stave off nerdy pastiness, I took a 12+ mile walk to New Jersey via the George Washington Bridge.

When all was said and done, I'd seen some things I'd never realized existed, became the proud new owner of a tremendous sunburn on the back of my neck, and incurred the wrath of the chafing gods (the only deities I believe in, by the way) in places that I don't feel comfortable talking about.

Now that I've blinded your mind's eye, let me just say that there is no worse destination for a walk than Fort Lee, New Jersey. There is nothing there.

Actually, now that I think about it, New Jersey is just somewhere that you should avoid in general.

Well, all was not lost though, because today, I found Jesus...

...'s Taco. Apparently, this is a chain of restaurants in Harlem. I didn't eat there, however, because I feared the food could have burned my heathen stomach... Mexican food tends to do that when you're on the move, among other things.


Well, thankfully, not all things today were disgusting and cancer-inducing.

After returning home, I played a bit of Fixed Limit Hold 'Em, seeing as I was down to about 65 cents.

For whatever reason, the players on those tables are kind of... I don't know... let's say, fail-worthy.

So, essentially I've been feasting off of other player's terrible decisions and have made it to a new high at a whopping $2.91!

$50,000, here we come!

Current Bankroll: $2.91

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