Tuesday, July 21, 2009

New York City vs. New Jersey: Workplaces

A lot of people from New Jersey commute into the City in order to get to work (partially because there are a lot of jobs in the city, partially because New Jersey is the armpit of America), but is the trip really worth it?

Well, it's not really so clear. For starters, I found this little gem just inside of a loading dock in Midtown Manhattan:

I'm not sure if likening leaving the workplace to death is great for morale. Of course, seeing your possible death might not be the healthiest daily experience, either. Just look at this guy's office on 39th Street and Broadway:

I guess being able to pretend that you're non-emo Spiderman might be pretty cool, though.

In any case, as with most aspects of life, things could always be worse. You see, there's this place called New Jersey and there's a reason people avoid working there...

...yeah. For those of you who don't know, this is a Fluffer. (Link is SFW) Notice, I don't actually have a picture of that workplace.


Yes, I know that's probably not what they meant, but you'd think employers would be a little more careful...

Then again, I wouldn't put it past them.

Current Bankroll: $4.52

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