Walk into most nice hotel lobbies and you might notice that the place smells really nice.
Seriously, walking into these places is like biting into a fresh ice cream sandwich, only with your nose... and you know... not really like that at all.
Apparently, the hotel industry puts a lot of money into the olfactory aspect of their business, but could they be selecting their scents more prudently?
Allow me to offer up five new scents for all the hotel owners out there to consider.
1. Bacon

2. Leather

Leather is a very versitile scent. You might have classy leather furniture that you'd like to accentuate, or a bellhop with a bad ass leather jacket and a motorcycle. You'd also gain a niche market with all the fetishists you'd bring in.
3. Grilling Combo

Charcol, kerosene, and flames- man is that awesome. Just avoid booking the arsonists and pyromaniacs who might get the wrong idea and you're in the clear on this one.
4. A Ton Of Weed

California is on the path to legalizing marijuana, and why not show some support for the movement by just having all your employees make sure all baths drawn in hotel are herbal... Also, for synergie's sake, make sure that the White Castle next door has its ventilation pipes blowing full force into the elevators.
5. The Smell of One's Own Farts

The South Park, San Francisco special. Just prepare for high levels of smug and you'll be fine...
Current Bankroll: $32.01
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